Cinabrite Tumblestone
Chakra: Third Eye, Sacral, Root
Zodiac: Leo
Element: Fire, Earth
Cinabrite helps you to release fear and resentment, and to deal with hurt feelings, anger, and jealousy, and stop you from taking issues to heart.
It said Cinabrite helps the healing of blood disorders and to improve the overall physical strength of the body. As well as a strong immune booster.
Cinabrite has a strong vibration to ground excessive energy, taking any excess down via the base chakra to the earth chakra, to facilitate spiritual grounding.
The energy from Cinnabrite crystal flows steadily. It allows us to fulfill our dreams. It gives us a strength of purpose, helps us achieve our goals and the power to pursue them.
It is a stone of purpose, achievement and problem solving. It is helpful in overcoming habitual negativity. Cinnabrite brings energies to assist with breaking old patterns, of sabotaging self and bringing acceptance of success.
It is a stone of success. It is said to help find solutions to problems and make changes in one's life, cleanses repressed emotions, brings peace of mind and calms debilitating emotions. Cinnabrite aids self-discipline and will-power.
It is a stone that enhances emotional and spiritual growth.
Every crystal purchased is cleansed before shipping and comes with information on the crystal free of charge
Small = 5mm - 10mm
Medium = 10mm - 20mm
Large = 20mm - 30mm
X-Large = 30mm - 40mm
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